Royal Oak’s educational programs are a vital part of the Foundation’s ongoing mission to deepen appreciation of Anglo-American heritage, introduce Americans to the portfolio of the National Trust of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and raise funds for their important preservation initiatives.

Since the series began in 1974, Royal Oak has planned and presented well over 1200 lectures by over 280 speakers in 67 different U.S. cities. Our lectures cover a diverse range of topics including British art and architecture; country houses and castles; history and literature; as well as landscape and design.

The Royal Oak Foundation is delighted to now offer some programs and lectures using an interactive digital platform. Our digital lectures allow Royal Oak to engage public audiences in all 50 states, and to present online tours of places in London and the UK. We also continue to present live, in-person lectures in various U.S. cities to further encourage support for the National Trust.

Primary underwriting for Royal Oak Programs provided by Mark Pigott KBE

We remain grateful for support from other sources:

Donors: The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation; The Neilsen Family Trust; Stephen and Karen Tyler

Supporter: Marian Meaker Apteker Foundation

Adopters: Thomas and Patricia Bain; Linda Pedro; Lynne R. Pickens; In Memory of Graham Watkins; Roberta and Robert Young; and an anonymous donor